• The bees know when it’s time to harvest the Negroamaro

    “The bees,” wrote winemaker Gianni Cantele on his Facebook this morning, “tell you a lot more than any grape refractometer could! We’re ready to pick!”

    A grape refractometer is a handheld device that allows growers and winemakers to measure the brix (sugar levels) in the berries in the vineyard without having to take them to the lab for analysis.

    But who needs one when you have the bees???!!!

    Let the Negroamaro harvest begin!

  • Wine Spectator features Cantele Rosato

    With harvest well under way here in Salento at the Cantele winery, we couldn’t have been more thrilled to learn that Wine Spectator has featured our Rosato from Negroamaro as one of the editors’ top rosé wines for the summer of 2019.

    In “10 Rosés for One Last Hurrah,” senior editor Alison Napjus offers this tasting note for the 2018 Cantele Rosato (88 points), one of the magazine’s recommended wines for Labor Day weekend (the official end of summer in the U.S.):

    “A bright and buoyant rosé, with an appealing mix of mulberry and white cherry, almond blossom and pink grapefruit sorbet. Tangy finish.”

    Click here for the complete review (subscribers only).

  • Harvest has begun at Cantele!

    The 2019 harvest has begun at Cantele!

    Those are Fiano grapes above, photographed by winemaker Gianni Cantele. They were among the first grapes to be picked.

    Puglia’s yield this vintage is predicted to be slightly smaller than last year’s. But the quality, by all accounts, is very high and Gianni and his team are already hard at work making the wines, which they expect to be great this year despite the lower volume.

    With the white grape harvest now well under way, Gianni is still tasting and analyzing laboratory samples of the red grapes to determine when he’ll start picking the estate’s Primitivo and Negroamaro.

    Buona vendemmia, as they say in Italian! Have a great harvest, Gianni!

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