• It’s a small world after all: Cantele at Walt Disney World

    It’s always a great feeling to discover that someone likes your wine enough to pour by-the-glass on their list.

    But when that restaurant happens to be at Walt Disney World (near Orlando, Florida), it’s something really special.

    We were just thrilled to see that Terralina, the Disney Springs Italian restaurant, is currently pouring our Rosato from Negroamaro by the glass.

    Let’s just say the news left us tickled pink.

    Anyone up for a trip to the Magic Kingdom? It’s a small world after all!

    Image via the Disney Springs website.

  • Teresa Manara and Giovanni Battista Cantele were married 82 years ago today

    On this day, 82 years ago, Teresa Manara and Giovanni Battista Cantele were wed.

    “Who knows,” wrote Gianni Cantele on his Facebook, “if on August 22, 82 years ago, they would have thought that their love story, which began in Imola [in northern Italy], would have led to their falling in love with Salento? They had great courage. And I will forever be thankful to them.”

    Click here to read the story of how Teresa and Giovanni Battista found their way to Salento and laid the foundation for what would become the Cantele winery.

  • The Cantele winery by night

    “Wine is art,” says Paolo Cantele.

    The notion is one of the key elements of the Cantele philosophy and the Cantele approach to winemaking.

    And the Cantele family applies this notion to everything they do: From the packaging of the wines to the look and feel of the Cantele winery and the family’s tasting room iSensi.

    For a recent evening event there, the family decided to illuminate the space with the lighting you see above.

    The visual impact, they explain, is your first impression of the wines. And so it sets the tone for everything they do, from growing the grapes to the labeling of the bottles before the wines are shipped.

    Click here to learn more about the Cantele tasting room and event space, iSensi.

  • Thanks for making it a great summer at Cantele!

    Summer is almost at an end and harvest is around the corner here at Cantele.

    But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t time to connect with friends and share great Pugliese cuisine and classic Pugliese wines.

    That’s a party (above) that we hosted this week at iSensi, our test kitchen, tasting room, and events space.

    Happy summer everyone! Stay tuned for news from the 2019 harvest!

    iSensi is a space where aromas and flavors take shape, where music and art are blended together to create a multi-sensorial experience. We offer our guests a hands-on experience where tradition and innovation come together to create a wholly unique and unforgettable visit.

    iSensi also hosts al fresco lunches and dinners featuring classic Pugliese foods, dishes, and wines.

    Click here to to reserve your wine tasting, private party, or cooking classes.

  • Getting ready for the 2019 harvest…

    Across the northern hemisphere, grape growers and winemaker like the Cantele family are gearing up for the 2019 harvest.

    That’s an artistic shot of Cantele winemaker Gianni Cantele in the vineyards, taken this week.

    As grapes reach optimal ripeness, the growers need to be constantly testing sugar and acidity levels. That’s because one of the most crucial moments — indeed, the most important moment — is when they decide to begin picking and which blocks they’ll pick first.

    At Cantele, it’s always the Chardonnay that’s harvested first (at least most of it; they leave some in the vineyard for a late-harvest wine they make).

    Of course, growers depend on lab analyses of the berries to determine the right moment to begin the harvest.

    But more than anything else, they rely on their time in the vineyards. As Gianni will tell you, he can tell when the time is right just by walking through the vines and sampling the fruit.

    Stay tuned for updates on Cantele’s 2019 harvest!

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